Aufsätze zur Kalligrafie
Rundbriefe aus den Jahren 2001 und 2002
sowie die Petersburger Aufsätze



Form and Colour


Form is also colour.
And colour is also form.
No colour, no form.
No form, no colour.

If you bring paint to paper, it will be confined by a form.
If you bring a form to paper, it will be born only with a colour.

In the easiest way: black on white.
In an unusual way: white on black.

From white to black is the way from living in this world to go away from living in this world.
White is coming from the other side of living. Black is going to the other side.

A white form on an black paper is like a new born child trying to come into life.
Words written with white paint on black paper are looking for a responce, for coming in contact with the world and the reader in a very pleasant way.
When you hear or read, you can answer in yellow or red or blue. No need to answer in black.
When you answer in black on a white paper, your words are absolut. After the black comes nothing in this world. You go to a confrontation with black words. You only can answer with black words when you want to answer on the same level.

If you postulate, what you will say, in blue, everything will be possible to answer in a well done communication: yellow for bringing light in Your answer, red for a powerful answer or also blue for being agree.

Knowing colourtheorie is helpful. But only knowing them is not enough. Feeling it is the way.
For a calligrapher the form is in the center. For a painter the colour is in front. Great artist can manage both of them in an excellent work.

But anyway: only with colour we can make forms visible - and colour can only appear in a form.



Aufsätze zur Kalligrafie